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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wilderness Moments

God gives you "wilderness" moments in your life to sit back and reflect on not only who we are, but who HE wants us to become.--- How many times in life do we give into our own selfish desires? How many times in life do we do something JUST because we want to do it. When something bad happens who is the first person we blame? Instead of stepping back and saying "okay God what are YOU trying to teach me from this". We do the exact opposite and put blame on situations that in the long run can be beneficial to our lives. Life lessons are learned in the wilderness. When the Israelites were taken into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights it wasn't just a little road trip God decided to take them on for fun. It was a life lesson that he wanted them to go through to learn. He wanted them to know that despite the circumstances he was in control. When you have a million other things to put your trust in, is when you are bound for failure. If you put your trust in other people, no matter how much they love you, you will ALWAYS be let down. There is a human desire for us to want to feel loved and accepted. We are born with it, just like how we are born with sin. When we fully try to trust in someone else to complete us is when we are walking on eggshells. That desire for companionship isn't for another human being to complete us but it is for God to fill the void. Easier said than done. So many times we are riding a spiritual and emotional roller coaster. There are days when we are flying high and head over heels in love with God and everything that comes out of your mouth is so uplifting, anyone in a 200 mile radius of you can feel it. Its contagious and you don't ever want it to end. And then there are days and times when you don't understand anything. Your "wilderness moments" have you feeling like your just floating through the motions and passing through life. This is the most crucial time to ask questions that cause us to seek and press in. The more we press in, the more it becomes real. The more we fully humble ourselves and hand over our pride is when God can use us to HIS full potential and not our own. God shakes our world and changes our pathways for a reason. It is up to us to actually find out why instead of blaming and then asking why. God "shaking" is a prompting to see what we are actually going to hang on too in the end. Everything that is not God piles to the ground. What will you hold onto?

1 comment:

  1. Did you write this?! This gave me serious goose bumps! I love this, so much. Lets get together soon and discuss, ok? :)

    Lovely blog love! I love you!!
